Friday, January 22, 2016


I can't believe how independent our boys have become.  They are confident in perusing a menu, asking questions about meals, and ordering for themselves (after figuring out how much their meal will cost in Canadian dollars!).

They are ok to go off and find their own meals at a food court and enter a 7-11 to buy treats.

It is amazing to see them not hesitate to ask questions about something, but in a polite way.  They are okay making deals at the local market, with money they've earned by offering mom and dad 10 minute foot massages (with payment in the local currency of course!).  It is interesting to see them weigh the balance of what they want, versus what money they have, versus what they want to carry for the next 6 months.

They are just confident kids!  We attended a cooking course yesterday, with Jacob and Josh cooking on their own, and Todd and I assisting Nathan and Noah.  I couldn't believe their skills.  They listened to instruction, followed it, were super safe using knives, open flame, and hot oil.  They stuck with it for 4 hours! I think that's pretty amazing for kids their age!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Flight #20

Flight number 20 landed us in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  It really feels like it has been more than twenty flights....

As we were landing, I realized I am never going to get over the panic I feel every time we land.  The last 10 minutes of any flight, I am holding on tight to the armrests, and I am in a clammy sweat.  One would think, that I would be used to the fact that we are hurtling towards the ground and will touch down ever so gently, but no....I'm not!!!

A few of our landings have been a little rougher than I would like, but overall, the flights and airplanes have been quite comfortable.

Tonight, we take flight number 21, back through Kuala Lumpur on our way to Phuket, Thailand.  Wish me luck!!!