Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It has been forever since I have blogged, but we have had lots going on.  Sometimes I feel as though no one really wants to know about it, but I have made the decision to blog anyways!!! 

Update 1:  Our house sold.  We signed the contract to sell the house while we were away on vacation in Orlando, in mid November.  Possession is March 1st.  We are currently looking at houses to rent until the end of July.

Update 2:  We are unsure of what we are doing now that we have sold the house.  Our original plan was to move to Orlando, Florida, and then vacation back in Alberta every summer.  We are not sure that is exactly what we want to do now though....

Update 3:  These are some of our new ideas!!!  A) We are seriously considering living a year abroad, probably in France.  Cob and Tree are currently attending a French Immersion school, in grades 2 and K, so it would be a great opportunity to learn alot!!  We would enroll all 4 boys in school. We don't have a house here that we would need to find someone to look after.  B)  After a year abroad, we would then buy a house in Okotoks, and live here.  Every 3-4 years, we would live a year abroad.  C)  If not abroad, then maybe a year in Orlando, while my husband takes his Masters Degree, and continues to buy Orlando real estate.

I think I am really leaning towards a year abroad every couple of years.  It would give us a chance to see alot of the world, and still have the connection to home.  I was most concerned about moving away from our families, and having the kids move to a new school.  The year abroad still gives us the best of both worlds!!  If it works, we would enroll the kids in school wherever we go, otherwise, I would homeschool for the year.  I do have a Bachelor of Education (which I put to good use for a whole year, before I had kids!!), so I would feel comfortable in schooling for the year, if need be! 

Well, that's all for now.  I will try to keep this up to date--a New Years Resolution!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you updated! Not that I've been much better at blogging lately!

    You guys always have such interesting things going on- the year abroad sounds amazing!

    Let's meet up one day soon so I can hear more about your adventurous life!

    Oh, and I saw the pics on fb of the Disney half marathon- good for you! You amaze me! And it looks like the boys had a great time too!
