Friday, February 5, 2010

Prepping for Potty Training!

Well, it is almost that time for Goob!  We go on holiday for the next couple weeks, but when we return home and have settled back in, I think we are going to give potty training a try.  This will be the youngest (19 1/2-20 months) I have attempted this monumental task......
Cob was 2 1/2 when he was fully trained, although we started when he was 27 months.  He has proved to be the most trying so far......Tree was 25 months, and was good within a week---even at night!  Na-Na, I'm sure, would have trained at 20 months, but we were off on an adventure (Thailand/Vietnam), and it was Christmas (which means travelling) so that didn't quite work out.  He was trained at 24 months, again within the week. 
The signs that I have been waiting for:
  • quick to tell me he has pooped in his diaper
  • an interest in watching others use the toilet
  • his ability to talk (or at least express to me what he needs)
For the past two weeks, everytime I catch him going poop in his diaper, I use phrases such as "Are you going poop?", "Do you have poop in your diaper?", "Does it feel yucky in your diaper?".  I use this to get him to associate the sensation with the action and word.  We have only sat on the potty a handful of times, but they have always been fun!!!  Tearing toilet paper into tiny shreds, ready books, singing songs. 
Yesterday, I could tell that it was getting close to time for him to go---lots of grunting, and just standing Goob's telltale signs that a poop is on the way!  So, we go into the bathroom, and sit on the potty.  After 10 minutes of  "playing", and telling him to put his poop in the potty, not his diaper, he finally relaxes and poops!  What a celebration we had when it was done!!!  Every family member had to check out the poop in the potty, and lots of praises for our "big boy!".  Then, as a special treat, Goob got to make a phonecall to Grandma and Grandpa and tell them his big news!!! 
It will be like this over the next 3 weeks--random use of the potty if the timing is right, lots of discussing about using the potty instead of the diaper, saying "tell mom if you need to go poop", etc.
I'll keep you posted as to how it turns out!!!!

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