Thursday, January 12, 2012

French lessons....

I have almost finished my two weeks of French lessons.  It was a good course!  I knew a lot of the basic words, but was unable to string a sentence together.  I was in a class with 3 other students.  We were the very beginner level--which worked out fine for me!  Anyways, here are a few of my homework exercises....hopefully you can read it!!  (My writing is atrocious!)

La Vie Quotidienne



  1. I could totally use this class. You should see me at preschool - it's funny for sure!

    1. I think I am still only at the preschool level.....went on a field trip with the 3 yr olds to the cinema the other day, and I understood most of what the kids asked. Couldn't properly respond to them though.
