Friday, March 26, 2010

Spending Freeze

Due to the upcoming trip to Orlando (within 2 months of the previous one), my husband imposed a "no-spending" rule on us!!!  Well, I decided to take the challenge.  No dinners out, no buying clothes, and the worst, no visits to Starbucks (really, is that even sane!!!).  I am onto Day 5, and I haven't spent a dime, other than on groceries, and even them, no extras, only the stuff we need! 

At first, I wasn't sure I liked the whole idea, but now, I have embraced it.  It has lead us to eat a little healthier, as we have 3 days a week where we go from activity to activity, right around the lunch and supper hours.  We used to just do a McDonald's drive thru, but this week, I have made sandwiches, and packed everyone a little lunch.  The kids love it (they don't realize they are missing out on McD's).  The only downside, I have to make more lunches!!!  At least the younger 3 aren't as picky, and will eat just about anything. 

Speaking of that, Cob is growing up a bit.  He will now eat sandwiches with lettuce, cucumber, cheese and sandwich meat.  This is a huge improvement over just jam, or just cheese!!!!  A small break through, but I will take it!  He is also getting a bigger appetite.  He gets Hot Lunches at school on Fridays, and we have to preorder.  I was filling out the form, asking him what he would like, (we got every week except one--chicken noodle soup!, another big improvement over the every other week we previously did!), and he informed me that 1 piece of pizza was not enough. 

I sometime struggle with the fact that my first born is quickly approaching age 7!!!!  Where does time go???  And to make matters worse, my boys love to discuss what they are going to do when they are teenagers.  The latest was blow stuff up!!!!  Really though, why do they need to focus on getting older, when all Mom wants is to freeze time........

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