Monday, March 12, 2012

Life on Hold....

Why does it feel as though our life is on hold??

Todd and I pondered this over cafe this morning. 


Yes, that's right, cafe without the kids!!  Kids are finally back in school after two glorious, harmonious weeks off...and yes, that is sarcasm at its finest!!!!  But really, it was a good two weeks: busy, exciting, adventurous.  

Anyways, back to the point.....Life on Hold:

It certainly does feel as though we are holding back, but really, why??  Is it because it is only one year, so we don't want to put ourselves out there, and make all those connections that one would in a permanent place?  Is it because we are limited in what we can do to make our apartment "ours"?  Maybe we feel we can't just buy anything we want, as we will have to figure out a way to get in home in a few short months?  Possibly it is just the language and cultural differences, and we haven't integrated enough yet....

All I know, is that it has been a good year so far--trying, sometimes painstakingly so--but a wonderful experience that I am sure we will look back on fondly.  We are also all looking forward to returning to Canada though, and getting back into "our life".  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jackie, It can feel like a holding pattern sometimes, we are talking of Canada again too. Don't miss the last few months won't be "here" again!
