Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Top 10

The Top Tens Things I Really, Really, Really (I might even go as far as to say LOVE) about Aix!!!

  1. The weather!  Up until last Thursday, the temperature was consistently 29-31 degrees every day!  Now, it only gets up to 20-22 degrees.....The sun shines just about every day, with us seeing very few cloudy days.
  2. How well-dressed most people are!  Everyone seems so fashionable, head to toe!  I have some definite shoe envy!
  3. Having all the kids in school, but still be able to see them at lunch!
  4. Being able to walk to so many things.  Sometimes I don't like this, but for the most part, it really is nice.
  5. Eating out!  It really is an event, something not to be rushed.  I have not had a bad meal yet!
  6. It is great to see the kids soaking up everything.  Nathan has started to make me say things in French, if he knows that word.  Examples:  sorry-desoles, thank you-merci, good bye-au revoir,
  7. The inexpensive cheese--we have not yet tired of baguettes with a variety of cheeses for lunch!  Our favourites so far: Cantal Jeune (a gouda like cheese), Saint-Paulin, and the big Babybels!
  8. Our chance to get some visitors, and really have the chance to hang out with them.
  9. The ability to travel to destinations we wouldn't normally get to from Alberta--we are hopefully driving to northern Italy next week! 
  10. The architecture.  Everything is old here, but it works.  Somethings are older than others....
  11. Okay, I know I said Top 10, but I have one last thing:  the markets!  Everyday there are at least 2 markets near us.  Usually a flower market, and a fresh fruit/veggie market, but sometimes clothing or books!  And, the fruit and veggies are very reasonably priced--unlike at home sometimes at a market!  


  1. I'm seriously jealous of your experiences!!

  2. Me too - totally jealous!! Are the kids picking up French faster than you?

  3. The kids are learning way more french than me--really, my 4 1/2 yr old is teaching me a few things! But, it is not surprising, they are in a total french environment 6 hrs a day. I only hear it when I am out of the house, at the market, grocery store, or picking kids up from school! I have 2 different leads of private french tutoring--just need to get actual contact numbers! I think I will start with that early November, and hopefully get a little bit of a jump on the courses I will take in January (3 1/2 hrs a day for 2-8 weeks).
