Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A week in pictures....

We visited Cannes, France; Milan, Italy; and Monte Carlo, Monaco last week.  150 tunnels between Cannes and Milan.  Glass blowing, cave exploring, beaches, rain, and 1100 kilometres of driving.

Cannes and Saint Vallier-de-Thiey--Caves and Beaches:

Biot--Pluie, Chocolat Chaud, Biere et soufflage du verre:

Milan--DaVinci Museum and Duomo:

Duomo, from church top, in Milan

 Replica of the Last Supper, painted  ~120 years after the original

Surrounded by fools......the story of my life......


  1. Stop with the pictures, I'm much too jealous!!
    ps. the last picture and comment is hilarious!
